The BioMed Camp: A Photo Essay
The Biomedical Engineering -- Science Museum of Minnesota BioMed Camp, Twin Cities campus, July 17-21, 1995.Biomedical Engineering: The Next Generation
Chemistry Class: Beakers and Gumdrops [50K]
Reaction to a Reaction [297K]
Crystal Investigations Under a Cap Bill [297K]
Minnesota Microtechnology Laboratory [281K]
Passing out Silicon Wafers [198K]
Ms. Clean next to a Cleanroom [149K]
Cardiac Catheterization Clinic at University Hospital [231K]
Getting the Read in Radiology [198K]
Tuning in to Audiology [198K]
Future Edisons at Work [248K]
Stimulating Experiences in Physical Medicine [83K]
"Let's See Your Biceps!" Measuring Muscular Force [83K]
Tracking Exercise Outcomes on a Computer [44K]
Camp Over: The Parting Shot [149K]
Here's how it works
Dr. William Gleason describing how atoms are arranged in molecules at the Biomedical Engineering summer camp for kids, 1993. [116K]
Molecular gumdrops
Gumdrops and toothpicks: Indispensable tools at the Biomedical Engineering summer camp. [182K]
The genetic code projected on a raptor in "Jurassic Park"
One strategy for getting kids to pay attention to science. [215K]
Public Television's Newton's Apple
The Bakken Library and Museum: Educational Programs and Projects